Clarification Regarding Draft Regulation for UGC Notification on Revision of Pay Scales

The UGC has received order from Government of India dated 31st December 2008 regarding scheme of revision of pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in universities and colleges as per the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. The Government has also released grant for payment of 40% of arrears. The Commission is in the process of releasing the grant to the universities and colleges. The centrally funded universities and colleges are requested to make payment in accordance with Government of India notification dated 31st December 2008 and the UGC draft Regulations may not be taken into account while releasing the arrears. It is further clarified that incumbent Readers and Lecturers (Selection Grade) who have completed 3 years in the current pay scale of Rs. 12000-18300 on 1.1.2006 shall be placed in the Pay Band of Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP of Rs. 9000 and shall be re-designated as Associate Professor. Incumbent Readers and Lecturers (Selection Grade) who had not completed three years in the pay scale of Rs. 12000-18300 on 1.1.2006 shall be placed at the appropriate stage in the Pay Band of Rs. 15600-39100 with AGP of Rs. 8000 till they complete 3 years of service in the grade of Lecturer (Selection Grade) / Reader, and thereafter shall be placed in the higher Pay Band of Rs. 37400-67000 and accordingly re-designated as Associate Professor. The Institutions are requested to make payment in accordance with these provisions. The fitment tables are expected from the Government of India any time. As and when the same are received, these will be placed on the UGC website and Institutions may make payment accordingly.


Unknown said…
Dear Sir,

Presently I am working as an Asst. Professor (CAS promotee) at NIT, Surathkal.

I completed my Ph.D on 4th January 2006 while working as Lecturer (Sel. Gr.) and got promoted as Assistant Professor under CAS.

Now, while fitting the new pay scales, 3 non-compounded increments are to be sanctioned for all the teachers for completing Ph.D while in-service (as per MHRD/UGC Notification on New Pay Scales No.1-32/2006-U.II/U.I(i) dated 31-12-2008).

While, the 3 non-compounded increments for completing Ph.D while in-service are sanctioned for Assistant Professors in PB-3, but in my case (who have been re-designated as Associate Professor and placed in PB-4) have been denied these 3 increments for completing Ph.D while in-service on the pretext of a Junior will draw more pay than a senior.

I would be highly obliged I you can clarify.

With kind regards

Dr. Kiran G. Shirlal
sujata said…
lecturer X is promoted to a selection grade prior to the Lecturer Y and lecturer Y is promoted to selection grade 2 years later. Lecturer Y has a Ph.D and gets promoted to Reader by position later. Is she senior to lecturer X who is a lecturer in selection grade??
sujata said…
lecturer X is promoted to a selection grade prior to the Lecturer Y and lecturer Y is promoted to selection grade 2 years later. Lecturer Y has a Ph.D and gets promoted to Reader by position later. Is she senior to lecturer X who is a lecturer in selection grade??
Unknown said…
Dear sir,
The recruitment rule of Lect/Asst Prof is consistently good academic record having atleast 55% marks in the PG level and must have cleared NET/SLET.But in the CAS lots of conditions have been imposed, as a result of which many junior teachers are drawing higher pay compared to senior one after comppletion of PhD. This practice of giving higher pay to junior teachers goes against the principle natural justice because no such conditions were imposed in the recruitment rule at starting scale of pay. This points needed to be discussed and proper redressal of such anomaly must be done for greater interest of higher education. At the same no other Govt organisation including Research Laboratories do not impose such conditions for career advancement and benefit of additional increments for which a junior can draw higher pay. I request HRD Ministry Officials, UGC Officials and AIFUCTO executives to look into this problem.
With best regards,
S K Kar
E Mail-
please help me said…
Respected Sir,
I am a sanskrit lecturer, I do not know the rules. please let me know the undermentioned doubt. Please help me.

Respected Sir,

My Name is Dr. Chakravarthy Raghavan, I have joined Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha(Deemed University), Tirupati in 2nd August, 1997 as a lecturer.

After 4 years I was promoted as Senior Lecturer and after 5 years I was promoted as Reader i.e. in 2006 throught Selection Committee under CAS.
In 2009 the new rules came.

By that I have completed 12 years of service for Associate Professor, i.e. in 2009 August itself.

Now the doubt is 1. Now I have to go for another CAS interview or selection committee is there? or automatically the Associate Professorship will come.

2. Another thing is in my vidyapeetha, now I am in 9th band and now I am getting that salary also.

3. In general the circular for CAS promotion is circulated in our vidyapeetha, what is my position whether I have to apply for CAS for ASSociate Professorship seperately or I have to think that already I have got the financial benefit, hence I do not want to apply for Associate Professorship.

Sir, this is humble request personally begging you. Please let me know the correct position.

Please Note: Some one is telling that after 2008 december all are to attend the interview and particularly for Associate Professorship by CAS.

Please as early as possible Let me Know. With Pranams. or please send SMS in the cell at least.
Respected sir, If you have any documentary UGC evidence also please send to or to sms 09849680874
with humble request and pranamams.

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